Close to God and Close to the Poor - The Anniversary of Vaticanum II in Latin America

08 de Febrero de 2013

Talking about the anniversary of the Second Vatican Council in Latin America means to remember the event But should the Council be celebrated at all in view of the challenges faced today by the Latin American continent?Apart from Latin America, there is probably no other local church where a comparably creative reception of sweeping impact for a whole continent. Already before Vaticanum II there was a new exchange between the Latin American Bishops, due to the creation of the Latin American Episcopal Council CELAM (Consejo episco first conference took place 1955 in Rio de Janeiro. The event Council (1962 and the many opportunities to meet each other in commissions and working  sessions intensified this exchange. It was chaired by charismatic and far people such as the Chilean Bishop Margit Eckholt {*} German Version From: Herder Korrespondenz

Talking about the anniversary of the Second Vatican Council in Latin America means to remember the event But should the Council be celebrated at all in view of the challenges faced today by the Latin American continent?Apart from Latin America, there is probably no other local church where a comparably creative reception of sweeping impact for a whole continent. Already before Vaticanum II there was a new exchange between the Latin American Bishops, due to the creation of the Latin American Episcopal Council CELAM (Consejo episco first conference took place 1955 in Rio de Janeiro. The event Council (1962 and the many opportunities to meet each other in commissions and working  sessions intensified this exchange. It was chaired by charismatic and far people such as the Chilean Bishop Margit Eckholt {*} German Version From: Herder Korrespondenz

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