31 de Octubre de 2019
[Por: Pablo Mora, S.J]
The Pan-Amazonian Synod appears as a breath of the Spirit, a kairos, which wants to renew and recreate the Church of the Amazon region. With its breath it wants to breathe life into and cover with tendons, flesh and skin what appear to be dry bones (cf. Ez 37, 5-10).
In Part I of this article we dwelt on inculturality and inculturation, as seen from the perspective of both the missionary and the community, an their role in the process of evangelization. Then we have also seen that a “Ministry of Visit” does not make for sustainable pastoral care in the Amazon.
Faced with this limitation, we must look now for new forms of ministry , with boldness and without fear, that will help us face the new challenges of this special region. The missionary Church in the Amazon awaits "courageous" proposals from this Pan-Amazonian Synod.
In Part II we address the need for a "Ministry of Presence" rooted in the Eucharist in indigenous communities and distant river peoples. And as the reader will see, we focus on a humble and anonymous character, who reminds us of the "faithful servant" of the Gospel (Cf. Matthew 25:23): the Catechist. This “Amazonian" and “indigenous" face of the Church might guide us along new paths of evangelization.
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